Laura Feged: “Solo tengo agradecimientos hacia la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya por abrirme los sentidos cada día más y más a este mágico mundo de la gestión cultural”

Os presentamos a nuestra alumna colombiana, Laura Feged Rivera. Laura estudió Publicidad en la Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano y cursó estudios de fotografía en la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana y en el centro Santa Fé Photographic Workshops de EE.UU. Actualmente es socia de la Fundación Ecoplanet-f en Bogotá, donde participó activamente, durante los últimos…

From Austria, our alumni Elisabeth Wulz: “The involvement in contemporary art enables people engaged in independent cultural intiatives to form their identity”

We introduce you our alumni Elisabeth Wulz, an Austrian who studied the Master’s Degree in Arts and Cultural Management at the UIC in the Barcelona Campus during the academic year 2011/2012. Graduated in Transcultural Communication from the University of Vienna, she is currently still completing her education at the same university doing a Master’s Degree in Austrian Studies, working…

Our student Yosia Revie Pongoh: “For me, as long as music expresses the natural beauty, the majesty of the divine, human feelings, and other good things, then it deserves to be appreciated”

We introduce you to our student Yosia Revie Pongoh from Indonesia. We could say that Revie has always been linked to music and today he is already a professional in this sector in his country. He studied in the Conservatory of Music at the Pelita Harapan University in the city of Tangerang, near Jakarta, the…